This is a wonderful teaching video by Mystele. I'm so proud of her and I love her folk art pieces and happily own a few. I hope you enjoy this, are blessed by it and learn something new. I really hope it inspires you to pick up a brush and PAINT something :)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Open My Heart by Mystele (this was her first video of many, her very first)...SHUT OFF MUSIC FIRST ON SIDEBAR
Monday, August 10, 2009
Give Away...

Jennifer of JRH Studio has posted about a wonderful Give-Away... All she asks is that you post what in-courages you and link to this site InCourage.
I am always encouraged by prayers from friends and the book Streams in the Desert (and of course the Bible and the Lord Himself) as we walk through the trials, the unknowns and the sudden endings of many hopes and dreams since my husbands lung transplant and our youngest son's recent diagnosis of severe MS (app.27 lesions in his brain with the largest at his brain stem). But our great God has made, as promised, "the crooked ways straight."
Please take the time to check out the women at incourage and also Jennifer at JRH, she makes beautiful art and both she and her site are a blessing to others. And also, please keep my family and I in prayer...
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Ok, I think I'm on to something...
We are more than just art... you can look up a Bible verse on the sidebar, translate this site into any number of languages, listen to Nancy Leigh DeMoss at Revive Our Hearts or John MacArthur at Grace To You, and memorize daily verses from the women of CWO. You can also come alongside our persecuted brothers and sisters in prayer at Voice's of the Martyrs, keep abreast of the minute by minute global happenings at Rapture Ready and listen to some really great, Godly music. Kind of like a GREAT Christian coffee shop (you'll have to BYOC, but you can wear your jammies :)
So, put your feet up and enjoy a few moments or stay for hours with the folks at Faith Folk Cafe. (If you're not one already, why not join the Followers and stay in tune with this one of a kind, makes your heart merry website. Plus, by doing so others will be able to find YOU too :D
Thanks to Jane for all the great posts she contributed.
Click on the painting below to enlarge. I "painted" it with coffee. Smells GREAT!