Hi everyone, Pam here...I started goofing around trying to lighten the look up and then I went so far that I could not get back to where I started...does that make any sense??? Have you been there, done that? So, instead of lighter I've got grey and black, which I guess will make all the work look good, or, maybe I'm not done yet. Myste is up to her eyeballs in a new site so I don't want to bother her and not sure what Jane is up too. So, I'll just keep messing around, praising God for this site and hoping it looks great in the end.
p.s. I have over 800 little squares that my greeting card company needs me to hand paint and then fill in with pen. Pray for my hands...thanks!
p.s.s. I've changed the music's order to random. Tell me if you like it or hate it. I'll listen :D