I'm looking for new Christmas music to put Faith Folk Cafe. Please leave your favs in a comment so I can add them to the playlist. Thanks :)
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
And the winners with their links are....
Hi Everyone, thanks for playing along with the Give-Away. Sorry if your name was not chosen by the random generator that I call, my husband :) But you all made if really fun and I especially loved seeing all the new sites. I am not alone by far in my love of Sara and Dave Mincy and their art. DrumRoll.....By HIS Good Grace won the CD and With Patience won the pack of Christmas Greeting Cards. Congratulations. Please send your address to the Mincys in an email.
Much love and stay tuned...Mystele has another fun blog post up her sleeve . Our God is so GOOD! Now, here's Dave Mincy...
Friday, September 18, 2009
Dave & Sara
To be entered in this Give Away just leave a comment on this post. (And join our list of followers if you'd be so inclined. We'd love to have you :)
We will have 2 winners~ one for Dave's beautiful Christmas CD and one person will be blessed to win a pack of Sara's Christmas Cards!!! Wish I could enter :)
PLEASE SHUT OFF MUSIC PLAYER ON SIDEBAR TO LISTEN TO DAVE'S MUSIC. The first song shared is a beautiful arrangement of an old hymn, The Old Rugged Cross. Farther down this post you'll find one of Dave's own songs.
I'm very excited about this next interview/feature about the delightful and talented duo, artist Sara Mincy and her piano playing, songwriting husband Dave ...they are a Godly couple busy raising their children while creating art and music that reflect their love for their Lord. Sara has a very popular etsy site with such affordable art she has
currently sold 153 pieces (well, 154 now 'cuz I just bought a scripture print :)You can find Sara's blog at sara's art* house and it is jam packed with her artwork...she paints on everything that will stand still long enough...from traditional canvas to nursery room walls. When you look at Sara's photograph, the first thing that strikes you is how her eye's are lit up with JOY! Her home, blog and etsy are filled with those joyful expressions.And finally, Dave's lovely music... (his site is at Mincy Media). You can listen to some of his music there for free and he's got a fantastic Christimas sale going on: 3 Cds and a package of Sara's Christmas cards, all for only $30. If you could bear to part with any them, it could take care of three Christmas gifts on your list.
Tell us in a nutshell about you and your family:
I am wife to my best friend, Dave. Mom to 3 kids- 2 boys ages 8 and 6 and a little girl- age 3. We love the Lord and we are trying to use our art & music to bring glory to God! I homeschool the kids; so we spend our days reading, learning, creating, playing, and exploring together.
What is your favorite medium and tools to use?
I use acrylic paint on stretched canvas. Painting is my favorite thing to do- it is totally enjoyable and relaxing to me. I also play around with fabrics and sewing, and paper crafts such as card making and decoupage.
What is your favorite time to create?
Where do enjoy creating the most? (ie. kitchen table, outdoors).
What do you want people to know about as they view your art?
I just want them to buy art that makes them happy. I am all about that in our house- I have my art up everywhere- simply because it makes us happy and inspires us and helps us to keep our focus on God and His word. I would encourage especially young people, when they are decorating a house or apartment for the first time to just have fun- buy what makes them happy, look around gift shops and goodwill and etsy to see what inspires them- you don't have to wait until you have the money to have fun with decorating. That is the reason behind what I do- I want people to be surrounded with art that will inspire them, encourage them, and make them happy.
Do you have a life verse?
My life verse has always been II Timothy 2:15- Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth....
But as time goes on there are so many scriptures that speak to me and inspire and encourage me! I love Psalms, and so many books in the New Testament- Ephesians 2:8-9 is great, and Proverbs 3:5-6. The kids and I are memorizing James 1- so those verses are really special to us right now.
Sara & Dave: What are your dreams/hopes for your folk art and music business? The Bible says that every person has been put here for a purpose. Personally, Sara and I believe that our art and music are very big parts of our purpose. We recognize that God, in His graciousness, has lent us both our passion and our creative gifts, and so we feel that it is our privilege and responsibility to share our faith through our art. If we can impact people’s lives for eternity by a simple picture or quiet song, then we have fulfilled part of our responsibility before God to use the talents He has given—and we find real joy and peace in that!
What is your favorite time to write music?
All the time …unfortunately, that’s not possible. Really, mornings are my best creative time when it comes to actually hammering things out on the piano or written music, but the “muse” can strike any time. I’ve had songs come to me while mowing the lawn, studying for a Sunday school lesson, listening to a good message, or thinking or praying about a specific issue.
How many songs have you written, app.? I have never counted how many songs I’ve written, but if you only count the ones I wrote the music and words for (not arrangements of old hymns) then I’m guessing around fifty or so. Up until the last few years, I actually wrote very little of my own music (did more arranging of existing hymns). I thank the Lord for opening up my heart and giving me the desire and ability to write original lyrics/music. So many of my songs are a direct response to how He is working my life, the lives of those around me, or in our church. How many CD's do you have for sale? 4.
How many instruments do you play? I only play two instruments with any real skill…the piano and the trombone. I was a band director for a few years though—and my degree was in Music Education—so I’m “dangerous” at most of the instruments to some degree or another :-/ What is your favorite instrument? Definitely the piano. If I didn’t have my piano, I’d be in therapy somewhere :-/
When do you find that you are the most creative? I am absolutely the most creative when my heart has been moved by something spiritually…something “clicks” and my mind begins to go crazy on a certain theme. This will happen to me sometimes in the middle of a service at church. Pastor says something, and I start madly scribbling lyrics…with my wife elbowing me to “pay attention” all the while! But I am paying attention…that’s the reason it happened in the first place! It either happens that way, or I’ll mull on a “seed” thought for days or even weeks and then just sit down at the piano and start “messing around”. Those are great times for me, too.
How long have you been a musician? Uhmm…well, I STILL might not be a musician, but I’ve been playing piano since I was 5 J My mom was a real slave-driver, but I am SO THANKFUL! I would have never had the discipline on my own.
Do you have a life verse? Absolutely…Psalm 28.7 – The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to Him. (ESV)
I want to thank both Dave and Sara for joining us at Faith Folk. I pray that God blesses them and their family as they serve the risen Savior. And I hope you take some refreshing time to enjoy their work at their blogs and be sure to heart Sara on Etsy.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Mystele is offering an online class...you can do it...she will help :)
Check this out and have a ball!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Open My Heart by Mystele (this was her first video of many, her very first)...SHUT OFF MUSIC FIRST ON SIDEBAR
This is a wonderful teaching video by Mystele. I'm so proud of her and I love her folk art pieces and happily own a few. I hope you enjoy this, are blessed by it and learn something new. I really hope it inspires you to pick up a brush and PAINT something :)
Monday, August 10, 2009
Give Away...

Jennifer of JRH Studio has posted about a wonderful Give-Away... All she asks is that you post what in-courages you and link to this site InCourage.
I am always encouraged by prayers from friends and the book Streams in the Desert (and of course the Bible and the Lord Himself) as we walk through the trials, the unknowns and the sudden endings of many hopes and dreams since my husbands lung transplant and our youngest son's recent diagnosis of severe MS (app.27 lesions in his brain with the largest at his brain stem). But our great God has made, as promised, "the crooked ways straight."
Please take the time to check out the women at incourage and also Jennifer at JRH, she makes beautiful art and both she and her site are a blessing to others. And also, please keep my family and I in prayer...
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Ok, I think I'm on to something...
We are more than just art... you can look up a Bible verse on the sidebar, translate this site into any number of languages, listen to Nancy Leigh DeMoss at Revive Our Hearts or John MacArthur at Grace To You, and memorize daily verses from the women of CWO. You can also come alongside our persecuted brothers and sisters in prayer at Voice's of the Martyrs, keep abreast of the minute by minute global happenings at Rapture Ready and listen to some really great, Godly music. Kind of like a GREAT Christian coffee shop (you'll have to BYOC, but you can wear your jammies :)
So, put your feet up and enjoy a few moments or stay for hours with the folks at Faith Folk Cafe. (If you're not one already, why not join the Followers and stay in tune with this one of a kind, makes your heart merry website. Plus, by doing so others will be able to find YOU too :D
Thanks to Jane for all the great posts she contributed.
Click on the painting below to enlarge. I "painted" it with coffee. Smells GREAT!
Monday, May 25, 2009
featured artists: Things With Wings and Other Things
I am so pleased to present this next interview you haven't heard of them, you'll never forget' em! This delightful family of artists has an uncanny knack to encourage and lighten hearts through their creations. I, for one, look forward to reading their blog and seeing what they're up to. Without further blabber from me, meet Jill, the family rep for our interview, from Things With Wings and Other Things.
* when & how did folk art sweep you off your feet?
My sister and I grew up surrounded by creative and artsy parents. Our dad was a professional photographer, screen printer, and graphic artist. Our mom’s artwork has taken many transformations throughout the years – starting out more country and ending up more whimsical. She attended technical school for fashion design and learned a lot about fabric and sewing that still influences her work today. As adults, us girls gradually started making more and more handmade gifts for people, incorporating the skills that we grew up watching our mother master. Now we kind of all ‘feed’ off of each other – freely sharing ideas and techniques, without competition or proprietary. Although we do like to tease each other when we see each other showing up in our own work that “it must have seeped into my sub-
* tell us about how you've "met with" Jesus through your art.
Making art was part of the healing process during grieving the loss of our husband/father. It has become a wonderful opportunity to reach out to people and
encourage them. We use quotes in our work that have spoken truth into our own lives, and will hopefully do the same for others. Nothing has been sweeter than talking with people who tell you their story of who they bought one of our pieces for and what it has meant to them. We’ve got lots of neat stories. As for the actual act of creating – it can be a special time as well: those moments when you’re uninterrupted, you’ve got your praise music on, and the ideas flow easily – you know you’ve received a gift from the ultimate Creator who is sharing some Inspiration with you. Our youngest artist Emily meets with Jesus through her singing and song writing. She is a blessing to this family of women and inspires us to live for Him.
image used with permission
* what are your favorite mediums and/or tools to use?
We’re all in love with paper – scrapbook and vintage – it’s kind of obsessive! Acrylics, and matboard are essential, and good old sharpies.
* what is your favorite time to create?
Anytime is a good time, if you’re in the right mood!
* any tips for beginning folk artists?
You just have to get in there and DO it. Don’t let the idea that it has to be “perfect” paralyze you. Sometimes the best stuff happens when you just let yourself experiment. Don’t like it? Gesso over it, paint more layers, cover it with paper, put it aside, work on something else and come ba ck to it another time … Rarely can it not be salvaged.
* describe your artistic "muse(s)".
I think we’d all agree that we don’t “get” the word “muse.” We recognize that our talents and inspirations are gifts from God. We try to be thankful and mindful of that every day. As for things that inspire us? A good quote…The bible and a good study…Each other!
image used with permission
* what are your dreams for your folk art business?
That no matter what we do, that it would always be fun and enjoyable – never a chore or a source of stress. Also that we might show the world that Christians aren’t boring fuddy-duddies! We can be crazy and fun.
* how do you manage family and your business?
We have amazing, helpful, supportive husbands and families. But it’s good to be always mindful about whether we are maintaining balance. And our kids are good at letting us know when we’re not so much! We’re very blessed to have families who appreciate what we do because they know how much it means to us.

Friday, May 8, 2009
Happy Mother's Day

I wish you each a very happy Mother's Day 2009. Take time to read over Proverbs 31 and challenge yourself to be the Mom that God created and requires you to be this year. And if you don't have children, or if you're like me and your kids are grown and have flown the proverbial coop, I challenge you to be the Woman/Friend/Neighbor/Grandmother/Wife that He's created you to be. Hope you enjoy my Mom painting :) Love you all!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Show Us Your Blog: Thistle Cove Farm
Name: Sandra Bennett
Blog Title: Thistle Cove Farm
Blog URL: www.thistlecovefarm.blogspot.
Etsy or Artfire: not yet and have never heard of Artfire so thanks very much.
How did you get started blogging, and what keeps you going?
A friend, Leslie Shelor, started a blog and after watching her for a while, I "gulped" and started my own blog. I had to check and my first entry was 5/25/05...nice little symmetry (of sorts) going there, wouldn't you say? Folks commenting keep me going but primarily God keeps me going. I feel I'm pleasing Him as I chronicle life at Thistle Cove Farm. I think it also pleases Him I'm vocal about my walk with Jesus Christ and give Him credit for His many, many blessings to Dave and I. There have been times people have e-mailed me and told me a particular entry was thought provoking or they requested prayer. If my blog can bring someone to the realization they need Jesus, the time is well spent. I fully understand I may never know, this side of the veil, if a heart has been touched and that's okay. It's all about Him but sometimes there's a little cranky Sandra thrown in .
What's your favorite time to create/write?
God has blessed me with an attitude of gratitude so anytime is a good time. If I'm discouraged I count my blessings and that, usually, works. If counting my blessings doesn't keep the gray skies at bay, then I know I'm weary, hungry or both. Vince Lombardi said, "fatigue makes cowards of us all" and that's true. My "attitude of gratitude" weakens when I'm tired or hungry and, through the years, I've learned to recognize the symptoms.
Where is your favorite place to create/write?
God has blessed Dave and I with a piece of Heaven on earth. There's absolutely no place that's "not good" on this farm for any type of creative work. Sometimes I'll take my spinning wheel to the sheep pasture and enjoy a beautiful day with my fur friends. Other times I'll head to my studio and listen to audio books while I work on quilts, tea cozies, etc. Generally, my day begins in the sunroom, listening to Alister Begg and others on XM radio; the sunroom is a great room to look over the valley and reflect on God, His word, His blessings.
Do you have a favorite Scripture?
My favorite Scripture is Psalm 116, the whole thing. It speaks to me constantly and each time I read it, I find a new, different meaning. I taught in Russia in 2004 and took several Bibles to give to folks along the way. The KJV was given to Ekaterina, a young English teacher in Yaroslavl, and I told her Psalm 116 brought me much comfort and joy. Several months later she wrote me to say it had brought her much comfort during those dark days following the Chechen terrorist group who slaughtered school children. Thru Him, we are all connected.
Do you have a favorite Christian song?
I love both Morning Has Broken and It Is Well With My Soul - both old hymns bringing much comfort and joy.
Thank you Sandra for being a part of this and letting us get to know you a little better. I love your "attitude of gratitude". Besides being a gift from God, I think it is also an attitude choice Christians make. Alister Begg is also a favorite Christian teacher of mine, and being Scottish I especially enjoy his accent. Old hymns, like those you have chosen, are special to me. So much to be lost when we lose our hymns and I'm so glad that you chose hymns Sandra, I had fun finding your favorite for the playlist. Now, I hope everyone heads on over to your blog to learn even more about our dear friend at Thistle Cove Farm.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Show us your Blog...

words... scripture or sayings.
You can find more of my work at
I'd like to use this post to highlight all of your blogs. Please leave an http link in a comment on this post so that we can all visit and get to know each other better. My example is above. If you make art, enjoy writing and poetry, or if you are a stitcher, collector, scrapper or family blogger...share whatever it is that makes you YOU. In the near future I will be writing a short feature about each/many of the various bloggers who participated ie. YOU.
Hope you come and play...
Buckets of Blessings,
Monday, March 23, 2009
Show us your blog continues...
Some big answered prayer for our dear Mystele-check out her great Folk Art Show experience. Jane's got wonderful doll classes going every now and then. Click on the sidebar links for those. To add your blog to Show Us Your Blog, do so on the post below so they stay in one spot. Thanks!
If you hop over to my blog you can get in on winning a hand-painted little piece while seeing my new site called SUGAR BUGS. click on the name. Hope to see you all :)
p.s. Here's a bit of my HEARTand A PRAYER: The first song on the playlist is the song I played on guitar and sang at church yesterday (Amazing Grace..My Chains are Gone). My husband preached at a church just north of us. It was a blessing. He taught on Indwelling Sin. Just when we think that we've got sin beat it is standing at the door. We take offense too easily, judge too harshly, hold people to impossible standards while playing God, we are selfish, self centered, critical...on and on. And wouldn't you know, I sat down later that day with a friend who slightly offended me, and I instantly shot back a criticism. Don't you just hate yourself when you do that, am I the only one?? Oh, Lord to be more like You. So we must hold our tongue, forgive, and not be so quick to take offense. I say we, because the scripture says that we are all in the same boat with Indwelling Sin :(, but we can pray more, fight sin harder, keep our "armor" on and love more. :)
Help us, help me...to be more like You.
"My chains are gone, I've been set free...My God my Savior, has ransomed me...And like a flood, His mercy reigns...Unending love, Amazing Grace".
Sunday, March 1, 2009
And The Winner IS...
She is the winner of 2 Psalm Prints,
(Seen in post below. And it sounds like one might be hung near the coffee pot at her Sunday School:)
Congrats Tricia and thanks to you all for playing along with us. We were able to meet some new people here and that is an answer to prayer. Make sure you check out Tricias blog, it's a treasure!
Please keep spreading the word about Faith Folk, we sure appreciate it...
and also keep spreading The Word.
Friday, February 20, 2009
First Give-Away on Faith Folk...Pink Fluffy Slippers

Hi Everybody
To get in on the Give Away:
1. Leave a comment on this post only.
2.Join our Followers group and then spread the word about Faith Folk on your blog.
This is one of my prints called, Open My Eyes. The winner will receive one for you and one for a friend. Yep, the winner wins TWO.
We're hoping to get the word out. Click here: Pam Warden Art for a double chance to win!!!
Give-Away ends March 1st at midnight Wisconsin time :-)
Saturday, February 14, 2009
We love Him because He first loved us...
Friday, February 6, 2009
I'd like you to meet my dear friend Jan Thomason whose favorite song for the moment is Shout To The Lord...turn up sound!!!
1. Where do you live?

2. At what point did you realize that you were an Artist.
It's kind of funny in a sad way.
a gift from God.

I'd have to say the one I'm using at the time.My favorite medium? Does paper count as a medium? It's my drug of choice so I think I'd have to say it's my favorite medium. I LOVE paper. I collect it. Poor Frank.
Ouch! That's always been a challenge for me! I have a sign I made that is on the wall in my studio right in front of me that says, "BALANCE". It's so hard for me to pull myself out of my studio! My best friend told me once that I'm different if I haven't been able to create - that creating makes me whole. I agree.
5. What advice do you have for young artists starting out?
6. Where is your favorite place to create and what's your fav. time to create?
I am very blessed to have an actual studio so, of course, I'd say that's my favorite place to work. I could use an assistant, however, to clean up after me - I don't care how big your place to work is *a card table in the corner of the family room or an actual studio*, it's always a mess - I speak, of course, only for myself!
7. What inspires you?
Gosh, that's a hard question. I think I would say that creating something in the hopes that it will bring someone else joy or a piece that brings me joy is my inspiration.
I think of my art as a ministry. If something I've made makes someone smile, then God has used me to bless them. That would be my biggest inspiration.
8. How does your faith in Christ translate into your life, art and business?
I give God the glory for everything that I create.
He guides me through each step of everything I do in my life and in my art. He is totally in control and I can't imagine living my life without Him in it.
9. What are some of your goals for 2009 and plans?
Enjoy each step and let God lead your creating - when you start a project and you have this idea of what it's going to look like when it's finished...be flexible enough that God can guide you to the end result as HE sees it.
11. How did you name your business?
You really are asking the hardest questions!
12. Favorite Scripture and Favorite Christian Song to accompany your Feature.
You know what? I have a different favorite scripture depending on where my life is....does that make sense? So, I'll tell y'all today's, 'k?
I'd like to thank Jan for letting us feature her life and her art here at Faith Folk. I'm going to have 6 pink bikes in my dreams tonight. I love it :-)
Please take a peek at all of Jan's work on Etsy, Lollishops and her blog. Contact her with any questions about purchasing or any questions about her art, I know she'd love to hear from you. Also, please keep her mom in your prayers, she took a really bad fall and has been hospitalized. You can see updates on Jan's blog.
And of course, please don't use any of her images with Jan's permission. That includes all of the artist's images on Faith Folk.
Blessings, Pam
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Put these two sites on your "must check it out list"....
Secondly, please hop over to my adopted nephew's site. He is a sketch artist and just starting in the bloggy community. He and his wife Beth ( my friend Cathy's daughter) are in a music ministry. You will love listening to their CD's and he is also in the OWOH Give-Away. Please click on this link. Click here: Joe's Studio
I'm sorry I have not gotten to Jan's feature yet (forgive me Jan)...I've been gone, on a business trip and I'll be gone again soon for another procedure involving my husbands right lung transplant. Please pray for us as we are on the road a lot. But mostly that we always serve Him in all we do and say and think.
God bless you today and everyday as you seek His face.
Yours in Christ alone,
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
More Breaking in 2009
My Name is Pride, I am a cheater.
By Beth Moore
This really spoke to me as I read it on a friend's blog. Hmmm, so much to deal with, so much to let go of in our lives. I don't want to be cheated this year or robbed by lies. I want to serve the King of Kings and let go of any pride. How about you, want to join me this year as we bend the knee to Christ and break the bonds of selfishness and pride? Let's really serve Him and each other from this moment on.
Hugs, Pam
Monday, January 12, 2009
prompt list download UPDATE
♥ mystele
Hi...Pam here. Thanks for sharing your prompts list Mystele and the excellent videos.
If any of you use the prompts list please send us a photo of your project and tell us a little bit about it and you. We'd love to show your artwork...
Saturday, January 10, 2009
using a prompt jar to create a canvas background
♥ mystele